On our website in another Question and Answer: "Is Muhammed The Prophet of Islam Prophesied In Song of Solomon 5:16?", we mentioned the fact that the Qur'an asserts the coming of Muhammed in the Bible.
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On our website in another Question and Answer: "Is Muhammed The Prophet of Islam Prophesied In Song of Solomon 5:16?", we mentioned the fact that the Qur'an asserts the coming of Muhammed in the Bible.
Read MoreWe must be honest and fair with this text. There are many verses such as Isaiah 28:7 and Micah 2:11 that prohibit the use of alcoholic beverages since they destroy the influential example of a Christian (Matthew 5:16; Romans 14:21; 1 Timothy 5:23), impair the mind (Proverbs 20:1; 23:29-35), and would prevent a soul from entering into God's everlasting kingdom (Galatians 5:19-21).
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