Our Staff
Together with the overseers of The Gospel of Christ, our staff work to present, produce, promote, organize, and manage all aspects of the evangelistic and ministry efforts of The Gospel of Christ.
Ben Bailey
Ben Bailey is a native of Texas, and has preached in churches in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and Tennessee. He is a graduate of the Brown Trail School of Preaching and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible and ministry from Oklahoma Christian University. Ben serves as the speaker for TGOC television, radio, and internet broadcasts, and has been with TGOC since its inception.
Ben also serves as the preacher for the Plainview church of Christ in Hazel Green, AL, and when available conducts several meetings and speaking engagements in various areas.
Beverly Ramsey
Office Manager
Beverly has been the office manager for TGOC since 2014. She is a retired educator and school administrator. Beverly is office manager for TGOC.
Direct Line: 931-492-9544
Joey Ferrell
Director of Operations/Public Relations Minister
Joey resides in McMinnville, Tennessee with his wife Kristie. They have two daughters and two granddaughters. He is the Director of Operations of TGOC with shared responsibilities in Public Relations, studio manager, broadcast and social media. He also coordinates our Field Rep program and works alongside Ben and Beverly as the management team.
Joey holds an Associates Degree in Business Management from Motlow State and graduated with honors holding a Bachelor of Science Degree in Bible and Ministry from Amridge University. He was also the recipient of the Herman Register personal evangelism award from Amridge University.
Preaching is a passion for Joey. He loves to meet with congregations to share more about The Gospel of Christ and conducting Evangelism Workshops.
Direct Line: 931-492-9566
Field Reps
G. Scott Furniss
Field Rep - OKC, Texoma
Scott resides in Lexington, OK with his wife and daughter. He has an accounting degree from Oklahoma Christian. He started preaching in April of 1997 and was in full time ministry until August of 2004, filling in since that time. He and his family are members of the 9th and Pierce church of Christ in Purcell, OK where he was the minister from 2001 – 2004 and has served as the treasurer since 2012.
Jamie Beller
Field Rep - OK, North & SE TX
Jamie resides in Seminole, OK with his wife Myca. Originally from McLoud, Oklahoma, he spent 12 years serving in the US Army and the Oklahoma National Guard. Since graduating MSOP in 2004, he has preached in AR, OK & TX. Jamie worked with congregations in SC and NC as a minister and instructor of the North Carolina School of Biblical Studies. After engaging in mission work in Texas and Jamaica from January to June 2015, Jamie returned to Oklahoma. He currently serves as a hospital chaplain for SSM-Health in Shawnee, as well as chaplain and bereavement coordinator for Bristol Hospice—OKC. He has also served as an instructor for the Online Academy of Biblical Studies (OABS). Jamie also holds degrees from Southern Christian University and a M Div from Amridge University.
Randy Carroll
Field Rep - Dallas, TX
Randy resides in Arlington, TX with his wife Brianna. He has a Bachelor’s degree in youth ministry and a Master’s degree in family ministry. After several years of mission work, family ministry with a local congregation, and working with programs within the congregation such as Lads to Leaders, youth camps, conferences and more, Randy made a career change and has worked in secular work since 2020. Randy has seen the need and has a desire to work in ministry alongside his secular work to spread the gospel!
Russ Vickers
Field Rep - AL - North and Central
Russ and his wife Jessica currently reside in Talladega, AL.He has been in various ministry roles since 2000, including roles at Gospel Broadcasting Network and most recently at the Talladega church of Christ. Russ graduated the Nashville School of Preaching in 2006 with a Preaching and Biblical studies degree, and continued his education achieving an M.A. in 2014 at the Theological University of America majoring in Church History with minors in Church Leadership and Biblical Archaeology.
Russ has also hosted both television and radio programs in his time in ministry.
Additional Support Staff
The Gospel of Christ would not be a successful work without the help of many individuals working in the background to create content, video production, produce transcripts for our media, packaging, duplication, and shipping.
Special thank you to these support staff members and Volunteers:
Betty McCarver, Sally Centracchio, Ashlee Reep, members of the Red Hill church of Christ, and several others who bless us each day with prayers and encouragement.