If a member is involved in sin and does not want to face discipline from the congregation, can that member withdraw his fellowship from them so that they have no responsibility toward that member?
When a Christian finds himself persisting in a sin and refuses to repent of that sin, then his congregation is required to show genuine love and concern for their erring brother by withdrawing fellowship from him. The withdrawal of fellowship does not cause that wayward member to be lost. They are already lost because of their persistent rebellion against their heavenly Father. It does not make him more lost. The member is lost because they have chosen to separate themselves from God (Isaiah 59:1, 2). The church must do everything it can to bring their brother to true repentance. The church is not to pretend that everything is alright with that member.
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How Ought A Faithful Christian Spouse Treat An Unfaithful Spouse Who Has Been Withdrawn By The Congregation?
In the context of this question, the “unfaithful spouse” is referring to the Christian who is persisting in a sin habitually, that is known publicly by the members of the church, and refuses to repent of it. The Christian has received numerous opportunities to hear what the Bible teaches on that certain sin (by the eldership, the preacher, or some brethren), correction from the eldership (or the brethren), reproof from the eldership (or the brethren), the outpouring of love from the eldership (or the brethren) to repent of their sin, and the special, abiding fellowship that they have had in the past that can no longer be sustained if this Christian persists in their sin (2 Timothy 3:16,17). We are not necessarily referring to the sin of fornication or adultery in this context (Matthew 5:31,32; 19:1-12) because we understand in the nature of this case that the innocent spouse would have the Divine right to put that guilty mate away for that reason (although it would be best if the couple could work it out through repentance and a restoration of the marriage). How should a faithful Christian spouse treat an unfaithful spouse who has been withdrawn from by the congregation?
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Is Church Discipline/Withdrawal Authorized and Permanently Mandatory?
The New Testament teaches that the church belongs to Jesus and must be handled the way Jesus sees fit (Matthew 16:18-19; 28:18; Acts 20:28; Colossians 3:17; 1 Timothy 3:15; etc.). An essential part of the doctrine of Christ is the topic of church discipline (Heed the warning of subtracting from God’s Word: 2 John 1:9-11; Revelation 22:18-19). Some major passages addressing church discipline/withdrawal (whether it involves a false teacher, impenitent member…) are as follows: Matthew 18:15-20; Romans 16:17-18; 1 Corinthians 5:1-13; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15; Titus 1:10-16; 3:10-11; 2 John 1:9-11; etc.).
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What Is the Scriptural Procedure for Church Discipline/Withdrawal?
While there is no set procedure for how a church and/or Christian withdraws from an erring member or an unfaithful church, there are many authorized ways to do so. Each circumstance needs to be thought through carefully and prayerfully (unless there is an urgent need to act quickly) before correction and/or withdrawal occurs. The foremost motive is love (#1, for Christ; #2, for the protection of His bride, the church, and #3 for the unfaithful member or unfaithful church who is clearly in violation of scripture and needs to and/or refuses to repent, John 14:15; 1 Peter 2:17; 1 John 4:20-21).
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