John the Immerser taught the people that they must repent of their sins - one of the conditions of receiving the remission of sins (Matthew 3:1,2; Luke 3:7-14). In Matthew 3:7-9, John the Immerser refused to immerse some people. Why?
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John the Immerser taught the people that they must repent of their sins - one of the conditions of receiving the remission of sins (Matthew 3:1,2; Luke 3:7-14). In Matthew 3:7-9, John the Immerser refused to immerse some people. Why?
Read MoreThere are several denominations that assert that if you teach a non-Christian that he/she must be immersed in water for the remission of their sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16) you are actually adding to the finished work of Christ on the cross.
Read MoreAbsolutely not.
While personally ministering upon the earth, Jesus stated that He would build His church (Matthew 16:18). In Acts 2 Luke writes that the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved (Acts 2:47).
Read MoreJohn the Immerser taught the people that they must repent of their sins - one of the conditions of receiving the remission of sins (Matthew 3:1,2; Luke 3:7-14). In Matthew 3:7-9, John the Immerser refused to immerse some people. Why?
Read MoreThe word "pastor" (Latin for “shepherd”) appears in our English Bible and is from the Greek word poimen. This word occurs 18 times in the New Testament and refers to one who feeds and cares for a flock of sheep. This word is most often translated "shepherd" but it can be translated "pastor" also.
Read MoreThis question arose from a study among some young Latter-Day Saint missionaries who hold to a belief system in modern-day revelation and miracles as described in their Articles of Faith. In this study, one of them claimed that we were like the Pharisees in that we were testing to see if the Latter-Day Saint religion was true because they claim they can perform miracles as found in the New Testament. One of the points of evidence that can show whether a person is a true messenger of God is whether or not he can perform true miracles (John 3:2; 20:30,31; Mark 16:17-20).
Read MoreMany denominations teach that faith alone is sufficient for salvation. They often cite Romans 10:9-10 to support their false doctrine. However, Romans 10:9-10 involves two acts of obedience, which simply means that faith plus confession leads unto salvation. Not only is such a position negated by Romans 10:9-10, but it also opens the door for other acts of obedience that lead unto salvation.
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