We can spend it, waste it, manage it, or measure it, but what we can never do is change its speed.
“There remains therefore a rest for the people of God” (Heb. 4:9). With these words the Hebrews writer reminds us of our forever home—Heaven. Unlike the Israelites who were heading toward the physical home of Canaan, Christians are journeying toward our final destination of Heaven. As we think about that forever home each of us are probably made to ask, “What will Heaven really be like?” Notice how the Bible describes the beauty of Heaven.
Read MoreAn old Korean Proverb illustrates the power of one’s influence when it says, “Power lasts ten years, influence not more than a hundred.” Sometimes we may think, “Am I influencing anyone? The question asked is really a faulty one. It’s not IF we are influencing anyone, but HOW are we influencing them. All of us are an influence on others either for good, bad, or indifference. What type of influence should a Christian possess? Let’s notice what God says.
Read MoreOne of the key concepts in the book of Habakkuk is God’s use of the nations. In the Book of Habakkuk, we are shown how God would use the Chaldeans to subdue and punish His wayward people. The concept of God using the nations to teach His people a lesson is found throughout the Bible.
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