How do we make sense of this short, temporary existence on this terrestrial ball? What does it all matter anyway? We are only going to be here a while, and in a few years it will all be over, right?
Read MoreAn old Korean Proverb illustrates the power of one’s influence when it says, “Power lasts ten years, influence not more than a hundred.” Sometimes we may think, “Am I influencing anyone? The question asked is really a faulty one. It’s not IF we are influencing anyone, but HOW are we influencing them. All of us are an influence on others either for good, bad, or indifference. What type of influence should a Christian possess? Let’s notice what God says.
Read MoreIn a world that want to accept everyone and everything regardless of moral consequences, it is easy for Christians to be tempted to bow at the altar of compromise. Instead of standing up for the Lord and His Word, too often we give in to “go along to get along” mentality. All of us must admit that times of conflict and confrontation are not at always enjoyable. Yet, when we compromise the truth or remain silent on biblical issues, are we doing anyone a favor? Let’s look at a few biblical examples where it would have been easier to compromise and determine who that would have ultimately helped.
Read MoreOftentimes, we hear this particular statement relating to assembling to worship together. Unfortunately, it has also been used to alleviate the idea that we need to worship TOGETHER as a group of like-minded individuals as the church. So…was Jesus wrong in stating this? Well, we must look at the context of the verse to see why it really doesn’t mean what some may think that it means! Study along…
Read More“O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O LORD, You know it altogether” (Psalm 139:1-4).
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