In memory of Waymon Simmons from Red Hill church of Christ; Robert Brinkmann
In memory of Wanda Spry from Joey & Kristie Ferrell; Eldie & Janice Ferrell
In memory of Tim Stewart from Joey & Kristie Ferrell
In memory of Michael Stubblefield from Joey & Kristie Ferrell; William & Beverly Ramsey; Melissa & Ashlee Reep; Larry & Pattie Smith
In memory of Mary Frances St. Charles from Noah church of Christ
In memory of Darrell Smallwood from Noah church of Christ
In memory of Pete Stotts from William & Beverly Ramsey
In memory of Edward St. John from Joey & Kristie Ferrell
In memory of Harrell Stembridge from Melissa & Ashlee Reep
In memory of Norman Sissom from Judy Lineberger; Bob Brinkman
In memory of Judy Stinson from Joey & Kristie Ferrell, Jason & Gwen Ramsey, William & Beverly Ramsey
In memory of Dale Stahl from Eldie & Janice Ferrell
In memory of Danny Paul Sain from Joey & Kristie Ferrell
In memory of Willard Simmons from Red Hill church of Christ; Eldie & Janice Ferrell
In memory of Sophia Smith from Joey & Kristie Ferrell
In memory of Jimmy Seal from Noah church of Christ; James & Brenda Green
In memory of Martha Smartt from Melissa Reep
In memory of Birdie Stepp from Joey & Kristie Ferrell; Eldie & Janice Ferrell; Noah church of Christ; James & Brenda Green
In memory of Wallace Smith from Rockliff church of Christ