Why do I read the Bible every year? - Joey Ferrell

I began preaching one Sunday a month in 2009 at a small congregation in Cannon County, Tennessee where we lived at that time. The congregation was made up of mostly older saints, but there were a few younger families attending too. This was a bit difficult for a “green” yet older man’s journey to be a preacher.

You see, as a 38 year old man who had been around the church all of my life from the time I was born, I had a false sense of confidence in my knowledge of the Bible. Sure, I had memorized many single verses, and even a few multiple verse passages in bible school, or was assigned to read as I grew and became a young Christian being baptized for the remission of my sin…but I did not (and can honestly say still do not) claim to know every “jot and tittle” of the Bible.

I grew up in a Christian home. The Bible was important. There were several on the bookshelves - many different translations or paraphrases as my mother had grown up in a denominational setting - so we had some of their preferred paraphrased works. I grew up reading mostly the KJV as the NKJV would not be published until I was a teenager. I also was introduced to a few other translations in my younger adult years and have probably 7-8 at my fingertips in my bookshelf next to where I sit daily. But…with that said…I had NEVER read all the way through the Bible in a purposed event until I was in my 40s. I had pieced it together, reading one book, or another, or studying one lesson, or another parable. But, from Genesis to Revelation, or in my preferred method of reading - chronological, I had never…not once…opened up my Bible, hardcopy or digital and read it from cover to cover until then. And what a shame. I had missed so much opportunity.

Now, am I saying that if you do this you will have all knowledge of God’s word absorbed? Absolutely not. What I am saying though is that if you do not, you may miss what God wants you to know!

One thing that prompted me was one of the older ladies in the congregation that I first preached. I had been preaching there a couple of years and she and I had a peculiar relationship. She had an interesting personality. But, she encouraged me being in older years and many times not feeling well, she was always so attentive.

I was hired to preach at another congregation after a few years. There was a man at that congregation that was a friend of hers and he pulled me aside one Sunday to talk to me. He told me as a constructive criticism that this sister had discussed with him that although she felt like I was doing a good job, that I did not know my Bible as well as I should. This upset me. I was mad at first, then hurt. But, after a while, I realized…she was right. And, it became a challenge. I visited with this sister shortly before she passed away. She had asked her family if I would come by, and I did. She never mentioned what was shared with me, and neither did I, but I did thank her for helping shape my spiritual life a little better through our acquaintance.

While I am still short on the knowledge that God has given in His word, I am still working on it! Since that very time, I have committed to reading through the entire Bible once every single year. Sometimes I have time left over even. It can be done! This year marked my 10th year of reading through at least one time each year and my life has been blessed through this reading. And…I just started my new plan a little early this morning!

So, why do I read the Bible every year? Well, because it is what God wants me to do. He wants me to know His word. He has prepared His word to be handed down through generations, now in many languages, many translations, and many formats. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells me that this word will help me to grow as well as teach others how to become a Christian and to grow.

Want to join me reading? The Gospel of Christ has a reading plan that you can follow along with. This year it is in the NKJV in a chronological order. Here is a link if you would like to join.


Happy reading and many blessings for 2025!

Bible studyJoey Ferrell