Article - Morals: Right and Wrong (part 1)

On April 27, 2011 several tornadoes swept through Alabama and surrounding areas killing hundreds, injuring thousands and leaving hundreds of thousands without electricity. Many came together to lend a helping hand - but why? Christians and even atheists would answer, “Because it was the ‘right’ thing to do.” It is evident that right and wrong exists; but from whence do morals come? The person who denies God and His Word as the absolute standard is obligated to explain this universal moral law some other way. The main answer usually given is that either morals eventually “evolved” over time through “natural selection” or man must have thought up morals himself. However, since animals, plants, bacteria, etc. do not have a standard of right or wrong, why must humans have one (for many atheists believe man is little more than advanced animals produced by “evolution”)? Atheists usually define morality as something that “minimizes harm and pain.” But what kind of harm and pain (mental, physical, etc?). For whom should the harm and pain be minimized? Should it be the individual, his family, his friends, his enemies, etc.? If morality arose through man, then morality is man-centered and man-determined. It is completely autonomous; therefore, no one can occupy any moral ground that is higher (or lower) than any other. All actions would neither be right or wrong, but simply mere actions. Since animals, plants and bacteria (living things) do not have a moral standard, yet continue to survive without a moral code, then why can humans (living beings) not survive without a moral code? Why are humans the only living organism that MUST have a moral code to survive? See part 2 for the answer.

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