Article - Do Not Separate A God-Joined Marriage! (part 2)

From our previous article we learned that divorce violates Jesus’ clear command, “What God has joined together, let not man separate” (Matthew 19:6). Some take the position that if a non-Christian divorces his spouse (which is a sin, unless it for the reason of fornication) and marries another (another sin according to Matthew 19:9), he has not violated Jesus’ command because a non-Christian is not held accountable to Jesus’ laws until he becomes a Christian. Such a position, however, is false for the following reasons: (1) When Jesus stated His commands concerning marriage, divorce and remarriage, He was talking to a pre-Christian audience that also consisted of unbelievers who were His enemies, Matthew 5:1; 19:2-3; Mark 10:1-2,10; Luke 16:1,14. (2) God’s law that joins marriages is universal and applies to everyone, including non-Christians (notice the universal words “male, female, man, wife” in Matthew 19:4-6). So also God’s law concerning divorce and remarriage applies to everyone universally as indicated by the word “whoever,” Matthew 5:32; 19:9; Mark 10:11; Luke 16:18. (3) John the immerser told Herod it was not lawful for him to have his brother Phillip’s wife, clearly implying that though Herod was not a believer, yet he was held accountable to God’s law, Matthew 14:3-4. (4) When Peter stood before a non-Christian audience, he told them to repent and be converted, Acts 3:19. Hence, a non-Christian is held accountable for his sins (including, divorce and adultery) and must repent of them (and be baptized) in order to be saved, Acts 2:38. “Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30).


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