What Must I Do....when I realize I haven't done? - From the Field and Around the WWW

At The Gospel of Christ, we oftentimes hear from those that watch the program either on television broadcast, or on one of our digital evangelism platforms. Sometimes, we hear a question, other times we have to address confusion in one’s perception of true religion. When we receive communication - every single correspondence, media request, feedback, and opportunity to evangelize - this communication is read by at least two to three people at The Gospel of Christ before a reply, answer, fulfillment or disposition is given to each one. That means that we try our best to make sure that every single valuable comment, suggestion, and even at times - complaints, are heard and addressed as appropriately as they can be in a manner of love and kindness.

Thankfully, some of these communications include such items as we would like to spotlight in this months newsletter.

On October 27, a man in North Alabama viewed our program on broadcast television. In every one of our broadcasts, we encourage each person to pick up their Bible and study along with Ben as he proclaims God’s inerrant word. This particular gentleman did just that! He didn’t pick up a King James Version. He didn’t pick up a New King James, ESV, NASB, RSV, or even an NIV. He picked up his copy of a translation of the Bible that wears the name “New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.” He turned the pages and kept up with the scriptures that were being read and posted on the screen.

Many of you may recognize that this is a translation that is used in the Jehovah’s Witness religious belief system. While I am not able to spend the time in this article to deeply consider each and every challenge that might be found in this particular translation; however, we want to focus more importantly on the process that occurs after the program ended.

This gentleman reached out to the Central church of Christ (our overseeing congregation and “home base”) with an email that suggested that he would like to study more, and that he felt he needed to be baptized. This email made its rounds through our staff and volunteers as an encouragement for the work that is being done. That isn’t where the story stops.

The next day, an email was sent to this man to let him know that we were thankful for his feedback and that we would love to continue helping in his studies if we could. He shared an excitement about that and after a follow-up phone call and a few emails, he agreed to meet with a local preacher in the area and myself to study. Being that he lived about two hours away, we wanted to make every effort to be able to share in this effort with the local church as well. That afternoon, I was blessed to meet with him and the local preacher.

After some time of study, especially surrounding the Deity of Jesus and the necessity of baptism for the remission of sins, the local preacher made the comment that there was actually a congregation near this man’s home that we could meet at and if he was ready to be baptized, we would gladly assist in that occasion. The rest is not only history, but is so joyous in that about 8 p.m. that evening, we gained a new brother in Christ that just days before did not have the full understanding of salvation and eternity. To God be the glory!


On November 6, we received an email from someone that had found our program recently through the TGOC APP. Read what he had to say (edited for privacy and confidentiality, shared with permission)

Lastly, I would like to offer some insight into how much The Gospel of Christ has been helping me. I moved back to (hidden) in early October after having gone through a divorce (edited), and going back to the denominational world. I started listening to TGOC via the app not too long after I had moved back. The next Sunday -after I started listening- I went to worship at the (hidden) church of Christ, and spoke with (a brother) about being restored. Between the encouragement that I am receiving from the (hidden) congregation, and the work that you all do so wonderfully, I do not worry about where I was in life. Rather, I focus on where I am headed, and where God wants me to be headed (cf. Philippians 3:13, 14). In short, thank you for all that you do. I look forward to many other great lessons that are grounded in the Word of God alone.

Wow! What an encouragement to read and talk with this brother in Christ! We are so glad that he is back in a good journey in his life and that God was certainly long-suffering through some rougher times in his life. Again…ALL glory to God almighty!

Many times, we do not get the opportunity to share “every story” with our viewers and supporters, but we wanted to take an opportunity to share these most recent ones.

Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 these encouraging words that certainly display the efforts that your prayers, encouragement, evangelism and financial support go to working together to bring souls to Christ:

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.

From the bottom of our hearts, and to the depths of God’s riches, we are so thankful to be a part of His work with you in the kingdom!

Until next month…

~ Joey

Field Rep Coordinator
Digital Evangelism Minister
Public Relations

Joey Ferrell