Posts in Women's Studies
The War on Gender - Amy Lawrence

It’s a crazy world in which we live. I will tell you a secret though; it always has been. Solomon wrote, “The thing that has been is what will be, and that which is done is that which will be done; and there is no new thing sunder the sun.” (Ecc. 1:9)

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"Fornication - The Subject No One Likes to Discuss" - Amy Lawrence

Let’s be serious here. An honest Christian is not comfortable talking about sex. Embarrassment is the common reaction to even the mention of the word. There are, of course, plenty of subjects that are uncomfortable subjects, but this one is a doozy.

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Be Not Anxious - Amy Lawrence

If one were to look at the statistics, it is a truth that women are more prone to worry and anxiety than men. Psychological studies show that this can be attributed to several factors; each gender’s social differences, hormones, size and strength, even sense of morality. It is agreed throughout the medical community that women, due to their worry, are better at staying alive than men - however, we are also more commonly diagnosed with anxiety disorders than men. The Holy Spirit commanded through the apostle Paul that we “be anxious in nothing”, Phil. 4:6. If we as women are both physically and psychologically disposed to worry, how can we keep this command? Let’s find out what God’s word has to say about the matter. If anyone can answer this question, it is our Creator.

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Miracles - A Study of the Supernatural - Amy Lawrence - Women's Studies

I stood on my front porch one evening during a thunderstorm and watched bolts of lightning, one after the other, strike at random. Just as I decided to go back inside, a bolt struck so close to my house that it nearly knocked me back, blinding me with light. I immediately thought to myself, “It’s a miracle that didn’t hit something!!!” I didn’t think anything of it until I saw a video on Facebook of a bolt of lightning striking a tree and causing it to explode. The tree stood by itself in an open field. I thought, “It’s a miracle that bolt of lightning hit the only tree in that field!” That’s when I decided to put Google to the test and see if I could learn something about lightning. As it turned out, everything I saw was absolutely natural and explainable by natural laws. That led to my investigation into miracles.

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A Shield About Me: A Study on Christian Joy - Amy Lawrence

A great number of people seek this joy. Unfortunately, only few find it…

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An Unhealthy Home - Amy Lawrence

In order to come to an understanding of what constitutes an unhealthy home, we must first define a healthy one. God describes the tools needed to establish a healthy home in Ephesians chapters 5-6; how husband and wife should behave toward one another, how children should behave toward parents, and how parents should behave toward children. In Jeremiah chapter 35, Jeremiah tells us of a family known as the Rechabites. God contrasts the disobedience of Judah to the obedience of the sons of Jonadab. Jonadab had taught his sons how to respect authority and be obedient, whether it be toward him or God. God commends Jonadab and his sons, concluding that his household will always have a man that will stand before God. Positive peer pressure. Abraham was given the same commendation (Gen. 18:19). We see in this a healthy home.

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"What is Forgiveness?" - Amy Lawrence

We as the fallible humans that have been made in the image of God often have conflicting ideas concerning forgiveness. Our sinful nature would have us to hold grudges and forgive but never forget. Scripture teaches, however, that we can control that sinful nature and bring it under subjection to the law of Christ (Romans 7-8). The words of forgiveness Jesus spoke while in agony on the cross are the words that ring in the life of a faithful Christian that would forgive the way God forgives. What does scripture say about how God forgives? Let’s see.

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A Basic Bible Study For Women Seeking the Truth

This is a basic Bible study that can be used as a starting point to share with our friends and neighbors as to why we believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and His church is the body of the saved.

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Abortion, Birth Control, and the Issue of Life

From the first book of the Bible to the last book, God’s Word is concerned about the lives of His creation - not only the spiritual life and one’s relationship to God, but also the physical life and one’s relation to his fellow man (Genesis 1:26,27). Moses wrote to the Israelites in Genesis 9:6: “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man.” Again, in the law, God instructs man not to “shed innocent blood” (Deuteronomy 19:10). Jesus’ teachings and example stress the importance of life (Luke 9:56). When our Lord walked the streets of Palestine, He ministered to the lame, blind, downtrodden, and social outcasts, of whom the world thought it best if they had never been born. He showed that these individuals were human, created in His image. So it follows that Christ’s disciples, the people making up His church, would strive in all ways to live and teach as the Master does. Thus, on issues such as abortion, our hearts should break when we think of the millions of innocent lives that have been extinguished in the name of “choice” and “freedom”. Our stomachs should churn when we hear of programs such as Planned Parenthood cutting up and selling aborted baby parts (or even that such a foundation as Planned Parenthood exists). Many want to ride the fence of the abortion issue and appeal to the worst-case scenario (such as rape, incest, etc.) as a reason abortion should be acceptable. The facts are, however, that most cases of abortion are not the result of a woman who has been forced in some way. Most abortions occur from a woman who willingly had sex, but did not want the responsibility that comes with it ( ). The legalization of abortion has promoted more individuals to live promiscuous lives and think it is morally acceptable because it is legal. Therein lies the problem with such sinful activity (such as legalization of homosexual “marriage”) due to the lack of knowledge of God’s Word among the populous.

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Are You Materialistic?

As Christians, we read such passages as Matthew 6:33: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…” or Romans 12: 2: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed…” and we hear them often in sermons or may even memorize them. However, are we really applying these Scriptures? Do we live out these words from God when deciding which new car/house/clothes to purchase; or when we complain about giving to the poor when each of our children have a cellphone; or when we begrudge the preacher who asks for a raise? We tell ourselves we are denying earthly pleasures and striving to serve God first, but often, our actions speak otherwise. This is unfortunate when we as Christians are supposed to be the light in this dark world. We have let worldliness seep into the church instead of making certain the church spreads out in the world. We should be the ones living differently so that the world may know that we have been crucified with Christ, rather than us thinking, dressing and acting just like everyone else does (Galatians 2:20; 2 Corinthians 6:17-7:1). One of the major problems (if not the greatest) in the Lord’s church today is worldliness. Most of our conflicts and struggles in the body of Christ can be traced back to a materialistic mindset. What each of us as Christians thinks affects our homes, our contacts, our congregations, and ultimately, our world (Romans 8:6-7).

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Attitude Of Thankfulness

A wise, older preacher once told me, “Your attitude determines your altitude.” The older I have gotten the more I understand this and the truer it has become. What we think in our minds and hearts affects our actions and lives. “Out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45). Many days end (good or bad) depending on our mindset that day. Many situations could have turned out differently if an attitude check had preceded the event. The overall mindset we possess in life will ultimately determine where we end up. This applies in the physical realm with our careers and earthly endeavors, but also, more importantly, it applies in the spiritual realm – where we will be in eternity. So, what kind of attitude should a child of God exhibit? We should have an attitude of thankfulness. God’s Word stresses the importance of having a disposition of thanksgiving. Thankfulness is key to possessing and maintaining an overall attitude that is pleasing to God. Having gratitude as our foundation will help us to continue to appreciate the love God has shown toward us and not take His blessings for granted; it will helps us keep in remembrance the sacrifice Christ paid for us, thus “setting our minds on things above” (Colossians 3:2, 15; Ephesians 4:23-24). With thanksgiving at the center of our mind, we will have the attitude of the Psalmist (Psalms 100:4) and live a Spirit-filled life as commanded in the New Testament (Ephesians 5:15-21).

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Children’s Church – Is It Authorized?

The practice of taking the young children out of the worship assembly has come to be called “children’s church” in many corners. The purpose of this is to train and teach the children in a less formal setting that encourages them to “enjoy” church while allowing their parents to worship without distraction. This may sound good on the surface. However, it is important to ask some questions before giving in to any practice that involves worship to our God. Firstly, and most importantly, what does God’s Word teach on the subject? Is it authorized in the Scriptures? Does the Bible give us examples or principles to draw from that may help us come to a conclusion as to whether this is acceptable in God’s sight? Why would we separate children from the worship assembly in order to teach them about worship?

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Gossip: Let Your Speech Always Be With Grace

Why do we as human beings feel the need to always be speaking about something new or interesting and have itching ears that long to hear some alluring piece of information? Maybe that is a question for psychology, but it certainly plays a part in our spiritual walk on this earth as God’s people. One cannot go through a checkout aisle without seeing the gossip magazines the media produces on a daily basis. Maybe as Christians we are not concerned with that type of gossip as much as the everyday hearsay of a coworker, neighbor, or brother/sister in Christ. Many times we can get caught up in what others are saying about someone or a particular situation involving another, and even if we do not have all the facts, we feel compelled to give “our two cents” worth. How often do we stop before we speak and think, “Will this help the person or hinder them?” “If the person in question were here would I say this to their face?” “Am I trying to be sincerely helpful or unfairly judgmental?” In other words, before we join in a conversation about another person who is not present we need to firstly examine our own motives. How we use our tongues everyday reflects upon the church of which we are a part and the God whom we serve.

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The Question Of Head Coverings: A Study Of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16

This passage is one of the most difficult passages in Scripture. For many, its difficulty has caused them to gloss over it or accept what others say about it without studying for themselves. As Christians we must study and teach the whole counsel of God (2 Timothy 2:15; Acts 20:27), and should therefore, make our best effort to understand God's Word. This writer does not claim to know all there is to know about these verses. Only through much studying and handling the Scriptures correctly can we glean from all of God's revelation, and especially from such hard passages (2 Peter 3:14-18).

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Modesty: A Gentle and Quiet Spirit

What does it mean to be a modest woman? Is modesty just based on cultural and personal preferences? Is there a standard for modesty set forth in God’s Word? These questions and many more alike have been circulating the hot topic issues for years. In a society that often values beauty and sexuality above all else, it is no wonder that we are bombarded with advertisements and commercials for face creams that “take years off”, “sexy” models showing off “skinny” jeans, and lingerie ads that are pornographic at the most. Our culture has led the mindset of many women to believe “if you got it flaunt it”. This attitude affects every aspect of a woman’s life, and it is this author’s opinion that this prideful and selfish thinking has led to an increase in abortions, females viewing pornography, and more women in the church overstepping their God-given role. The purpose of this article is not to state opinions however, but to recognize that we (as a culture and as Christians) have a problem with modesty. Let us have an open heart as we examine what God’s Word says about this subject and a willing mind to change our thinking to be that of our Lord’s.

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Pornography and Purity

We all know there is a sexual revolution occurring in our world. One cannot go out in public or even watch television without seeing some product being sold in the name of sex. Sexual images, sensual movements, and poorly-clade individuals are literally everywhere. The Internet is no exception. One may be looking at totally innocent information on a site and suddenly an illicit picture pops up. Young children receive cell phones (most of which have the Internet) at very early ages and they learn how to use them sometimes better than their parents! This means that children are going to be exposed to pornographic images increasingly at earlier ages. In fact, the average age that boys first encounter pornography on the Internet is 11 years old - and that number is falling ( ). Boys are not the only ones affected. The same source reported that more and more girls are increasingly viewing pornography. Some psychologists have suggested that children need to explore their sexuality and that viewing “soft porn” is not harmful to individuals. Unfortunately, many people have this mindset today. In this independent and subjective-truth-believing society, many will argue pornography can help in some situations (such as bring the passion back into a marriage); but God’s Word (objective truth) has something else to say on this topic (John 17:17). Let us explore some scriptural principles on this difficult-to-discuss subject and be honest with ourselves and with our God. The destiny of our souls depends on it!

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“For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins!” (1 Corinthians 15:16-17). These are powerful words given to us by the Holy Spirit, inspiring Paul, as he writes to warn Christians against giving into the false doctrine that there is no bodily resurrection of the dead. Unfortunately, the resurrection continued to be misunderstood by many over the centuries and even today, people throughout the world (and the brotherhood) have different ideas about the subject. Many of the ancients thought the idea of a person rising from the dead was mythical at the most. Of course, atheists have denied this concept, but even some Jews (Sadducees) denied the resurrection (Matthew 22:23). It is an important subject found throughout Scripture and worthy of much study. Indeed, if we deny the resurrection, we are claiming Jesus never rose bodily from the dead, and where does that leave us? Without hope! (1 Corinthians 15:12-19)

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Which Lady of Proverbs Are You?

The book of Proverbs is full of wise sayings on many respects. The difference between the foolish and the wise, the peril of trusting in riches, and how to use one’s tongue for good are just a few of the topics covered in the book. The overall theme of Proverbs is of course, wisdom. Not wisdom of the world but wisdom according to God’s Word as is mentioned throughout the book (“the fear of the Lord…” – Proverbs 1:7; 9:10; 14:27; 19:23; 23:17). Proverbs 8 portrays wisdom crying out, “Listen, for I will speak of excellent things, and from the opening of my lips will come right things; for my mouth will speak truth” (Proverbs 8:6-7). The book implies that there are two “ladies” calling out to us throughout our lives. One is from God, lady wisdom whose words are righteousness (Proverbs 8:35). The other is from the evil one, the immoral woman whose words cast one down to hell (literally, Sheol, where the wicked dead await, Proverbs 7:27). All women will give ear to one of these “ladies”; the decision made will determine their fate. One will lead us down the path to true life, while the other leads us down the path to death. The question every Christian woman must ask herself is which type of woman portrayed in the book of Proverbs is she – the sinful woman (Proverbs 7) or the virtuous woman (Proverbs 31)?

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Women Working Outside the Home

This subject has been a heated one in some circles among God's people. It seems many go to one of two extremes on this issue (as humans often do). One end of the spectrum states mothers should work outside the home to be an experienced, complete woman, while the other end claims women should not work outside the home because a woman can not keep her house/children in order and have a secular career. Both of these thoughts are unbalanced and are not founded upon Scripture. The purpose of this article is to examine what our Lord desires for women (particularly mothers) with reference to the home.

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Prayer: Supplication and Thanksgiving

In such a busy world, it is often difficult to make ourselves pause and pray. We may think of it around mealtime or only during hard times. We may only pray when we assemble with other Christians in worship or Bible study. What role should prayer have in our lives? What kind of prayer-life does our Father want us to have?

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