Fall is com....look, squirrel! - Joey Ferrell

Yes, it is a comical title, but that is for a reason. There are a LOT of things going on right now at The Gospel of Christ and that is a GOOD thing!

We have been recording lessons every few weeks in order to accommodate for scheduling challenges, making improvements to our graphics, adding to our social media efforts, and we are about to launch a new way to get media from us - USB drives!

Polishing the Pulpit was a great success in meeting and visiting with many brethren from across the country and even from other countries. It was a blessing for us to be at both locations this year. July and August were both filled with multiple trips to congregations in multiple states, to the point that we have realized that we need help! And, we are working on that!

So, here are a list of things that are happening in the field rep and digital world as well as enhancements to the program. Please make note of some of these as we could sure use your help to accomplish these goals.

  1. Adding new field representatives. We are currently speaking to multiple men in multiple areas considering bringing on more representatives to meet with congregations in different areas as well as being able to give more updates sooner.

  2. USB USB USB! Can you tell I am excited….until I think about the work involved in getting the website converted! Ha! It will happen. We hope to have our USB’s in by the middle of the month and will begin to offer those in addition and in lieu of DVD and CD content. This comes with a price tag, so please consider helping if able.

  3. It is budget time for a lot of congregations. That means that we are sending you a letter! Mrs. Beverly and Ms. Betty are working hard to get them addressed and sealed up to drop in the mail any day. Why do we tell you this? Because we know that you want to know how we are doing when considering your budgets at congregations. Let me say this…please consider this request as you will see in the letter that our work together absolutely reaches souls and helps them to know the gospel plan for them.

  4. We are leaving CW Plus - BOOOOO….but it is not because we don’t like it. It is because we cannot measure the level of audience as well as the areas of broadcasting like we need to. We will use those funds in other areas.

  5. New social media content is coming! Short-form videos, enhanced daily bible verse postings, more and more. Social media is reaching people. We have contracted with a good brother to do some added social media work for us to see how effective it can be. This also comes with a cost, but we believe the costs are worth the reach of souls.

  6. Lots of new opportunities on stations across the country. We would love to have them all, but we cannot. There are some areas that do look like they would be great opportunities if a congregation can help us with it. Philadelphia, Biloxi, Evansville are just a few. Contact us if you have any contacts that may could help.

  7. Additions to GospelRadio247.com - coming soon - “voices from yesterday” with several speakers. Content is being loaned to us for its use.

There are many other things going on, but this is a great picture of what things are looking like on my desk! Exciting times, souls being reached, opportunities being met, and lots of great blessings along the way.

Hope to see you soon!


Joey Ferrell