the gospel of christ
"Taking the WHOLE gospel to the WHOLE world"
TV | digital evangelism | Media
The Gospel of Christ is a Media Program designed to "take the WHOLE gospel to the WHOLE world. We air on over 200 television stations across the world as well as a streaming and on-demand content base. We currently have channels on Roku, Amazon FireTV, YouTube Music, TuneIn Radio Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Amazon Music, GospelRadio247, and Apple TV. You can also find us on the apps stores!
We can be found on UPtv, Gospel Broadcast Network, and many local markets broadcasting on larger networks such as ABC, CBS, CW, Fox, MyTV, and NBC, as well as several independent networks. Visit our Broadcasts area to find out if you can watch in your local broadcast market and more!
One of the unique attributes of the program is our FREE media. We offer FREE Audio and Video lessons on USB, DVD and digital downloads to all unrestricted areas of the world. Transcripts of our program can also be ordered online as a download.
We hope you will enjoy visiting our "home" on the internet and make use of the many resources that are available here. Please be sure to add us to your favorite social media apps for the most current updates and news.